
Showing posts from December, 2017


 THE PATH TO AN ENDLESS JOURNEY by SAEED KAMALU BAKO like swarm of bees we flee together, we planned but when it came it was abortive. The journey then began individually but the success became unrecoeded. The struggle continued but amist us was the most harsh atmosphere, that was when we realized it was an endless journey, the path of struggling to infinity. where the centigrate reads to an endless degree, heat from that sahara desert make the inner us almost melt down. And that was the path to success not rightfully taken, which marked the begining of an endless journey. When those many heads turned one, swifly we switch to the shortest but easy way to success and that was the destination (success)


HARMATTAN BY SAEED KAMALU BAKO The visitor i had shakedown my hapiness but yet came along with joy i saw a visitor invinsible and that was hamattan the one which i live to love the one who visits me with that breeze from the northern hemesphere cold and snow from the rocky plateau the one that nearly breaks the bone marrow I ran and ran, but the last resort became getting the most heavy and darkest garment And when the sun sets  the body got thrown down beneath those wooly garnent It seems as if you and i live in the world seperate but still inseperable You disappeared the time i always feel i was dead and born again as an eskimo It surprised me when you left but here you are again That is why i can resist but love you the more.


BY SAEED KAMALU BAKO There has been a great sign of a better christmas in pushit district of Mangu LGC Plateau state. This sign is as the result of the smile on the faces of the inhabitants of the area who are mainly agrarians (engaging in maize farming). The last wednesday to christmas has always been a busy day to the people of pushit, who normally comes out with their farm products in mass, this normally caused sells in low price of the product viewing how it saturates the market. But this year's case become so unique and different because the price was ok to the farmers who constitute a greater percent of the population of the area and by extension the entire Mangu local government Area. Maize which by this time normally falls to its lowest was sold from 8000- 11000 naira depending on the quality and tomatoe was also sold upto 1500  to 1200 naira also. This left a smile on the faces of the people as the prepare for the forth coming chrismas. In a move to know how
The National University Commission (NUC) has released its 2017 ranking of Nigerian universities which comprises of both private and public institutions. see the list below