
Showing posts from September, 2020


Prior to 1960, the game was the one of the masters and their slaves. This led to moves by the slaves in the quest for their emancipation. But were the agitators really among the perceived oppressed?  More venom has been poured out which lead to the freedom of the then slaves. No sword was used nor blood splits, as the freedom was gotten through the use of pen. Although, after the freedom, another form of slavery showcased itself. And that was the slaves oppressing the slaves. It is obvious that our heroes that fought for the freedom built the home base on their personal interest. Haven succeeded in chasing out the 'red nose' as a group of people fighting for same goal, the story eventually changed in the quest to protect regional integrity. This in essence continue to make the slaves servants even more than how they  used to serve before whether directly or indirectly. It further lead to a subsequent dichotomy where  the rich and influential hold one class and the poor masses w

Together we are 60

  Together we are 60: Mother spoke of how, we, once moved by chains, Became bound by the communion of aggression Against the common yoke in a common name: Nigerians - who preached a future 'though pains; Our heroes past; who fought wars by words. And today's bond, the birth of that liberation. Together we are 60. We remember the white bangles once on our hands; and had seen the decorative shackles in our minds. The fabric of colonialism was embroidered by blood Until Time happened and the Khakis faded away To democracy's unveiling, and there we have stood Tailoring the Indivisibility of our motherland. Together we are 60: We are then named giants of our race Though we ponder and wipe at a time, But behold our Freedom so dear Our diversity our strength, we stand unified And the struggles of yesterday stands to be remembered For we live in today of good memory. #kamsonality #Nigeria@60.

The Feminine Cry

it is propitious the codified nature of our system  but abandoned to the alien culture that flabbergasts our well being it was charitable how our parents were raised but abandoned us to the perplexing wicked world it is worrisome the lewd utterances of the elders in the presence of the youngers that corrupt their moral psyche it is condemnable the nonchalant attitude of the parents towards the chastity of the God given gems[female children] whom we should fiercely fight to protect. crying! weeping! screaming! all alone could not let the innocent soul got free from the hands of the beasts roaming free in our streets after the worst had happened we frequently ran to the poor man's last hope seeking for justice, but to no avail and cannot point out why. when we move to enquire why they tell us to keep mute if our inquisitiveness moves the next is "at your own risk" we sneaked in and out but later found a reason  to our greatest surprise we are simply penniless Lukman Abdulka


           Little is the world            My brothers and sisters            Shoulder is not on your heads,             Mighty has gone            Mighty arise,what a            Man does to become a history.          What will you do for            People to learn,            Be it good or bad,            Words are opposite.          Boys and girls,            Men and women,            Young and old,             Pass and fail.           Life and death            Are all words and their opposite.            Little is the world            My brothers!           Search your heart. Temang Chinplang.


In an unclear circumstance With an uncertain mission Attached to a vague vision Your thought crossed all over the mind. The body is trapped beyond movement Sinking in the ocean of grief And mind concealed with thought for centuries Where have you been ? For I couldn't see your face nor hear your voice Life is meaningless Food is tasteless Time is useless Everything is senseless It is now clear that; Aggression is real Depression can steal Dysthimia can kill Of all, your departure is beyond worst. Lukman Abdulkarim (Hakeem)


     Something is not right,             There upstairs,              Maybe the wrong              Is down here.      I have been knocking,             At the door             Since I learned              How to pray.           There is only silence             Where are servants?              I mean the angels.          I don't see them.              Peering through curtains              To see who is calling,              When the master at               Last "come in"            Will they let me in?               Through the front               Or at the back entrance?               Figure it out,where               Your short comings are. Temang Chinplang.