By  Saeed Kamalu Bako

Not knowing where I came from, I broke the shackle of life.

All I can recall was when he told me that "am your dad" and he gave me the address.

Before I open my eyes , I was left alone on the rugged street.

 Through pains and aggression I furiously grow to be a man.

 Romancing the street with people of my kind from child hood up to maturity.

Not knowing what was love, where was Home, who were relatives, what was education and why I was  living.

All I knew was that I was living for a purpose.

There came a day, when I saw her, her name was salma,

 walking gently under the overhead bridge ( where I call my home).

She is beautiful but yet dirty, uneducated but yet have determination , everything about her was just like me.....

then I said here I find whom  I deserved , Hmmm!     Not knowing  how the thing goes, I then approached her like a commander of a battalion " hey miss I think am in love with u" I said it vehemently .

I was shocked when she said "I love you too, I have been observing you for a while, I think we are bird of the same feathers"

Two years of endless love, not knowing where we both came from, wanted to ask her question but I don't want such in return.

one day I gathered the courage and ask her about where she came from!!!!

" I am from from katangu a village in maihayani, my father's name is Alhaji Musa mai dingishin kudi, I was dump by him when I was 9, ......."

Tears started flowing from my eyes.
she then ask me to stop ,thinking that I was crying for her life story....

"no!!! Am crying for myself" I said it in me

All she said was what the man that called me his son told me before he left....."Does that mean #salma is my sister???"

......to be continue.....


Episode 2(a journey to katangu)

It was rainy in the afternoon that same
day after the whole tussle.
she slept off in
tears and pain on my laps.

As it began to
get cold , she started shivering.
The love I had for her then took another
dimension , from seeing her as a lover
now she is my sister, my blood.

I removed my shirt and covered her with,

As she woke up ,she then embraced her new
 instead of calling me my love she
called me brother.

Like that ,we lived for more than a
month , then started thinking on who
really was our dad , how can we met him
and where was katangu village.

We then fixed a day to visit the village.

Having no money with us we decided to embark on the 20 kilometers journey

It was Friday, the sun was not hot , and
that was the day we planned to start our
"Salma have u prepared" I said

She replied happily"- yes senior brother Kamal"

Haven known the way to follow we
decided to start moving toward the kaona
maintain Forgetting the fact that we can't reach
there in a day.
the sunny whether, the rainy season, all that we can think of was
we want to see our parents.

It was a day after we started the journey
salma was tired , she can't move until we
rest and we have no time to waste.

 I backed her that afternoon and The
journey continued.

 We walk for one
hour and  salma was thirsty. I left her
under the shade of a tree, in search of
water for her .

when I rose my head I saw
water flowing afar, I rush to the place to
get the water leaving my salma over

As I got the water I rushed back happily to
quench her thirst ..

I can't see my salma!!!
I shouted her name three times but no
answer .
" I am finished !!!!!" I shouted.
Kneeling down with my head down crying
in pains because by then I knew what
it means to have a sister....

......to be continue......


Episode 3(the sad moment)

As I was crying , calling salma! Salma!

  I then heard a voice before me,And that was salma's voice saying brother Kamal are you ok?

I saw salma before me, that shows to me that I was dreaming, because she was standing before me and in good health.

 but she felt depressed seeing my actions of which I refused to revealed to her what happened.

It was morning, the sky was bright, the vegetation greenish and the weather favorable; a Sunday.

We took mangoes for breakfast and proceeded with the adventurous, yet tiresome journey.

We moved toward katangu. "I know for now we are close to the place" I said, smiling.

Salma reciprocated with a faint smile, much like a grin perhaps thinking  that the stressful moment will soon be over.

No sooner had I turned my eyes away from my poor salma then I saw a man from afar  working in a farm.
 He was doing his farm work with a lot of zeal and ecstasy, That proved to me that we were in  katangu.

I held salma's  tender hand and we rushed towards him .

 knowing the kind of area we were, I then saluted him with the  salutation of Islam "assalamu alaikum".

 seeing us as strangers of which we were ,he gave us a quizzical glare. The countenance in his face was that of apparent apprehension.

After some seconds of dilemma, he answered in a low voice.

He said " you must have come from afar  but how may I help you?"
 We then replied collectively with a smiling face.

He  then gave us water to drink even before he heard our mission .

After that I said to him this must be katangu village,
he said yes of course,

 with deep happiness in me i said we are Alhaji Musa mai dingishin kudi's children, we came all the way from the city to see him!

Immediately, his face changed.
furiously , he said " that man!" And then he looked at us for some seconds without uttering a word  and then he continued. "He is there laying down hopelessly almost dying" .

Salma started crying, I then rose up and asked the man whose name was Malam Idris to take us to his house , he said no problem .

And we started moving. as we moved closer to the house we saw so many people outside the house while some were going in .

The place was silent , all of a sudden, a woman rushed out of the house shouting in tears " he is gone!! We lost him, Alhaji Musa is gone"

I said it in me " innalillahi wa inna ilaihirraji'un" . but salma can not say a word, she hugged me crying and she was weak .Malam Idris  then said "we lost him am sorry".

 Slowly we moved into the house to see his remains as people were seeing us as strangers in what we called our father's house.....

To be continue......


Episode 4(Alhaji musa's will)

 Five days after  our father's demise, there was a name  on the lips of almost every body around; the name was Hajiya Amina.

What I can decode from their conversations was like Hajiya holds the will of our father.

Waiting for the remaining two days which we planned to leave the day after, am always with my Salma. And her words was always "brother Kamal when are we leaving?

 she always says it in a more pitiable voice that atimes make me cry.

 there came the long awaited 7th day which happened to be a Sunday .

In the morning, the house was filled up with people and was quiet, waiting for the coming of a single person, and that was Hajiya Amina.

It was around 9am, when we heard a voice melodiously said " assalamu aliakum" as she walked gently , every one's eyes were on her.

She was a tall woman, dark skinned but beautiful , perhaps of middle age.

After sitting for at least 10 minute  she then spoke in her tiny voice " I know every one here is waiting for me , sorry for keeping you for so long" she pleaded.

From the way she spoke, i reckoned in my own naive way that she is a good mother, nevertheless I couldn't  define a good mother because I never knew mine.

And she moved further by saying  " this is the will  Alhaji Musa gave me before he died"

Everybody was eager to hear its content..
As she started reading and it goes like this .
"I Alhaji Musa write this with my hand, seeing the present situation I am, I don't think I can make it, but in case if I can't make it .this is my will.

I have no biological child through out my life time. But God has bless me with wealth of which all my documents will be attach to this paper.
I don't have a single child but on my sick bed I can recall two children, I do hope they will forgive me..

I  picked them all from orphanage but dumped them within short period of time  because of my stinginess . thinking that living with them will cost me much.

 This made me dump them under the bridge in the city when they were young

But I know the are now in good health , because when ever I go to the city I do see them . Their pictures are also attachee to this"

as she was reading the will, there was a pin drop silence  every one was just looking at her but her eyes were strictly on the content she was reading.

To be continue....

Episode 5(the successors )

 At Alhaji musa's residence , all the people seeing Hajiya Amina as she continued.

"I wish to relinquish all my wealth to them viewing the fact that I have no relative here and I don't even know where they are, it is now that I start pitying these children , I wish they will forgive me"

I was sitting with Salma hopelessly hearing that who we call our father had no children in his life time.

Salma began to sleep as the reading continued .

"And lastly I want them to be putting me in prayers, there names are Kamal and Salma....I love you. You are my kids and I will remain your father . bye "

Salma then woke up quickly
" they called our names" she inquired surprisingly

As she finished the reading  ,she took a deep breath and sat, apparently tired of standing.

She sat for some minutes while some people were murmuring in a lower voice." Who could these children be?"

We were sitting with our eyes quite opened , then she picked two pictures from her bag and give it to people closer to her   as they passed it round every one that sees it will turn his eyes on us.

Before it reached us Salma began to shiver , "I am afraid brother" she said  as if she would cry.

Lastly when the picture reached us I was the first to see before Salma and all I saw was my face and that of Salma.

I then passed it to her , and she saw it also.

 she was the last person on the round, and then lastly every ones hand was on us" they are the ones" saying it vehemently.

Hajiya Amina then  gave us the documents,  showing that she had fulfilled her assignment.

She picked her bag and left as Salma and I can't talk at the moment , all we were able to do was to cry.

Hajiya passed through the door as every ones eyes were on her. When she departed then all the people in there rushed at us...

To be continue .......


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