By Nazir M Suleiman

National Association of Kano Students ABU chapter; It's a known fact and no longer news worthy to be read, listened or rather watch! Over the years, how corruption has been the blood circulating within the dead body of some of our unscrupulous EXCOs. NAKSS is already black painted, its image and reputation have been a sad stories to ears! Shall  we  just watch it? Of Course NO!
Adding to my dismay! Even this present administration' to which we have due hope' is not an exception, Alas! There are corrupt charges here at hand and we are filing out. And for your information 'this time, it will never be the same' we have all the records ready made to ensure nobody that has a hand in it will go unpunished! I'm totally serious!!
I have never engaged into such unscrupulousness nor should I admit one right here! I'm into this political circle pure, not for money, not for power of course, but, to give a trial, to see if I could be a change maker (and of course I should make a radical change) with regard to the ugly pictures created by previous administrations. And salvage my fellow colleagues from been a permanent victims and also to create an edge between me and angry acusers.
God so kind, I came to office, I tried to be honest and just. Also, I could tell you there are comrades met along the way that are worthy of trusting. we were and are very comitted to not only to deliver the best service we ever could but to also leave a legacy that will serve as a 'moral compass' to our successors for the betterment of NAKSS.
But unfortunately, the monkeys in silk proved themselves as the monkeys no LESS. The beast of no nation! Yes! Allow me to say it, they squandered people’s money, though, we inherited zero account from our forgangers but through our devotion and mindset, we were able to save enough money into the account after being recovered from the inherited debts. but still, we are now unreasonably indebted. This can never be possible! You must be accountable! Of all the excesses!!
And onto you my fellow respected NAKSSITES, it migh be possible they made fool of us once. To that, they should go with the SHAME but fooling us the next time that should be OUR shame!
This is just the beginning!!!


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