Education is one of the key gifts that Almighty ever bestowed upon human creatures, it is through education that human beings learnt to differentiate rights from wrongs. Thus, the importance of it can never be quantified. The professionals mandated of imparting it perform absolutely well when strong supervisory team is put in place. It is on this note therefore people that steer the affairs of Ministry of Education in Bauchi state needs messiah like Hajiya (Dr.) Jamila Dahiru  who is vast in experience, upright in manner, managerially skilled and technologically equipped. 

The vibrant academic cum politician has performed brilliantly well in her leadership of just five months as Bauchi State Commissioner for Education and therefore, her projects and legacies will be of use for decades.

Teachers were engaged in trainings through which they learn best teaching practices. New learning methods using fun were adopted. Parents shower encomiums following improvements in the performances of their wards in public schools. Similarly, the achievements showcased below are possible due to the sacrifices of skills, time as well as energy by supportive staff of the Ministry. 
Interestingly, when Hajiya Jamila was entrusted with managing the state Education sector, she cleared backlog of outstanding teachers’ salary, transfer of students and redeployment of teachers. She confidently facilitated the payment of more than 300 Million Naira for NECO to not only SS3 students that passed mock examinations but all those with index number across the public schools in the State; this effort contributed in recording massive successes when the results were released.

Furthermore, as academic, Hajiya Jamila do things with accuracy which was the reason why robust and hybrid annual school census was conducted, the aim was to know the population of students and teachers in active service in the state, such would help government in channeling enough resources in budgetary allocation. She has initiated and facilitated the establishment of Bauchi State Education Committee with membership of traditional institution, education sector institutions, development partners as well as NGOs serving as members; all have played vital roles for its success and made educational pursuance of children as a must to parents. Three education policies were also reviewed aimed at bringing positive changes. 
Moreover, Hajiya Jamila facilitated the payment of JAMB exam to more than 2000 students who passed mock examination with A-D grades. This is a golden opportunity given to students who before thought they have failed, yet redefined their hope and aspiration for better future. She further introduced and secured executive approval to conduct Education Summit and fast-tracked buy-in of development partners in funding the summit. Also, as a communication specialist, she designed communication strategy and smoothly trained communication unit for implementation; this aided the dissemination of educational information.

Advancement in technology and digital literacy have driven many organizations into the use of social media as means of organizational information dissemination. Thus, it remains a rationale why Hajiya Jamila upgraded the Education Ministry’s social media and networking platforms which include WhatsApp, Facebook and official website for information management, alongside communication.  However, she conducted Education Fiscal Space/Education Sector Analysis and designed roadmap strategy for an improved education sector, she still strengthened inter and intra coordination as well as communication within the Ministry Directorates and with other MDAs; such has built collaborative works.

The past policies were revived which comprised of repeating, conduct of bi-weekly assemblies and continuous assessments purposely to improve quality of learning amongst students. Indefatigable, Hajiya Jamila has strengthened the ministry’s quality assurance system through close and robust school monitoring, unexpected supervisions and regular visitation exercises among others. Routine of staffs’ performance supervision was improved through high level management meetings, weekly upgrade and report were made necessary; giant effort as this has awoken indolent staffs to productive ones.  
Inter-school sport activities is of importance and part of the ministry’s mandate. This however, Hajiya Jamila considered it important as she supported the conduct of Milo Basketball competition and sponsorship of the winners in participating at national level. Successful takeoff of Nigerian passport which was supported by UNICEF, Federal Ministry of Education in the distribution of gadgets (iPad and Modem) while conducted the third batch of Nomadic Vocational Course with more a hundreds nomadic children attendance. Optimized ICT unit activities with required facilities that included modem, systems and personnel, the exam Directorate was equipped with operational gadgets that enhance productivity. 

In a nutshell, Hajiya Jamila Dahiru has pushed for the adoption of new National Policies on Education such as National Gender in Education Policy, and National Policy on Safety, Security and Violence-free Schools with its implementing guidelines. These are the major breakthroughs diligently achieved by Hajiya Jamila Mohammed Dahiru in her sojourn as Commissioner for Education in Bauchi State. The magnitude of more developments that she would install in Kaura’s second tenure could not be quantified, all she needs from staff and general public are unflinching supports and tireless cooperation to salvage the entire educational sector in Nigeria’s pearl of tourism.  




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