
Showing posts from September, 2017
CIVIL UNREST By Saeed Kamalu Bako I have a story to tell Mine is a story unholy It is a story of death It is a story of war One day I opened my eyes All I saw was dark sky Seems like smoke all over The home is at the state of uproar All I heard was pandemonium The mind was then left in delinma To go closer or to run farther Legs alone can not take me beyond boundary I run and run but it cought up with me Before me was stampid Behind me was stainless The ground was zipped up Gravitational force denied me of flying up the sky So I stood and saw the massacer So I stood and saw the sea turned red So I stood and saw men killed by men What a tragedy! Indeed calamity befold one family All I saw was our soldiers dying Our children crying All I saw was the hight mortality All I saw was famine at its peak O yes I saw how mothers were separated from we I saw how they rape them O yes it was awful in my eyes How they cry, cry and cry And that period t


By Saeed Kamalu Bako I felt a drop on my head I wonder where it came from I saw people running to hide Could that be rainy season? The brownds turned green Why is my hoe? Where is it? The time has come for me to bend all day The time has come for me to plan for the next season Oh! Yes it is rainy season When you come we smile atimes But sometimes you make us sad See man that just planned his seed and the one that applied fertilizer And see the man living at the North Eastern part of my home when it hots when you come they all smile But see the man who just display his goods in the market and Or that woman cooking outside Or that one whose roof is leaking They all feel sad when they see the sky turned dark But you always come with water which is life Decorate the planet. I wish you can stay, oh I wish is for the whole year.


 By Saeed Kamalu Bako Slowly it enters Without knock it picks Unnoticed it selects​ The love one it picks I saw the mother when she screemed I saw the love ones.gather I saw tears like rain drop Oh myself, oh me It make me think of me That day I saw him breathless Slowly it picked him Without knock it entered Slowly the love one passed away Oh, death pass my way and go far away So I said to myself Without you knowing it comes it quickly pick your love ones So, I prepare and await my turn since it is called the inevitable.


By Saeed Kamalu Bako It is enjoyment of a great order I saw them when he convinced her I saw him when he hold her waist as the went I saw them when they went in there From then they were alone From then they became mute That was the exact time he started touching her O yes I can't even hear their voice Since they both talk in whispers The top of one's lip slowly on top of the other No hesitation, acceptance was the reply Still thinking of how it goes But my mind told me he undressed her Still in the dark All she said was pull me in pull me in Enjoyment at it peak that was what she felt It is true that time flies? In some months time the lady was featured crying She vomits, o yes she did I then questioned the inner me Could this be pregnancy? She is the one chasing the fella now And not the other way round Denying her in public and private become easy I tried to Pity her but it seems my conscience was gone I then reflect back I was there wh

The fight against Almajiri System and the best medium

By Saeed Kamalu Bako The fight against Almajiri system indeed gathered momentum in the 21st century. Hundrets and thousands of article has been written for or against (but mostly for) but the phenomenon still remain, though reduced a little. With the use of online media mostly to address the audience, will the fight succeed?  Who then are the audience? The target audience of those messages remain the "poor" living in rural settlements, because it is a fact that they remain the ones sending their children to such system of education. The rich or urban dwellers hardly do such. Reason, because they have the financial support or perhaps they view the present system unfavourable to obataining Islamic knowledge. With the use of social media mostly, will the message reach the target audience? Indeed, "the medium is the message". Rural dwellers hardly have access to social media and also are mainly illiterates (in Nigeria) who depend mostly on RADIO as the