By Saeed Kamalu Bako

I have a story to tell
Mine is a story unholy
It is a story of death
It is a story of war
One day I opened my eyes
All I saw was dark sky
Seems like smoke all over

The home is at the state of uproar
All I heard was pandemonium
The mind was then left in delinma
To go closer or to run farther
Legs alone can not take me beyond
I run and run but it cought up with

Before me was stampid
Behind me was stainless
The ground was zipped up
Gravitational force denied me of
flying up the sky
So I stood and saw the massacer
So I stood and saw the sea turned
So I stood and saw men killed by
What a tragedy!
Indeed calamity befold one family

All I saw was our soldiers dying
Our children crying
All I saw was the hight mortality
All I saw was famine at its peak

O yes I saw how mothers were
separated from we
I saw how they rape them
O yes it was awful in my eyes
How they cry, cry and cry
And that period they call it inhuman
It is the period they named it war
The period we saw brutality

It was at that stage that all was
It was at that same stage I decided
to tell them the story
Tell my friends, tell my relations
and my love ones
Stop and stop and stop
You can only know when it start
For the end is divine

It will consume or yes it will
Grave yards our homes will be
It was that day I shouted for peace
It was too late, it has been done
Motherless babies crying
People left homeless
Abled men have flet away
The young shall grow were
And the Society is left with the

Stop the voilence please stop it
This is the untold story
The one that is unholy
It is the story of death.


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