The fight against Almajiri System and the best medium

By Saeed Kamalu Bako

The fight against Almajiri system indeed gathered momentum in the 21st century. Hundrets and thousands of article has been written for or against (but mostly for) but the phenomenon still remain, though reduced a little.

With the use of online media mostly to address the audience, will the fight succeed? 
Who then are the audience? The target audience of those messages remain the "poor" living in rural settlements, because it is a fact that they remain the ones sending their children to such system of education. The rich or urban dwellers hardly do such. Reason, because they have the financial support or perhaps they view the present system unfavourable to obataining Islamic knowledge.

With the use of social media mostly, will the message reach the target audience? Indeed, "the medium is the message". Rural dwellers hardly have access to social media and also are mainly illiterates (in Nigeria) who depend mostly on RADIO as their source of getting information,or times depend TV ( for those with viewing centers). 

The use of social media is therefore quite attached to the urban dwellers who have the device and also the knowledge of how to utilize it.
Although, the fight against Almajiri system is sometimes featured in the Nigerian dailies, but do the majority of the audience read news paper or magazine?

However, Kannywood are now making some moves in portraying the fight in their movies subtly. But will that also be successful? The target audience hardly understand the message because they only view the manifest meaning and lack the ability to critically unveil the latent meaning attached to the content.

Even though the success recorded so far to some extent is appreciable because the number of Almajiris have been reduced to some extent, but much needs to be done, most especially in the sellection of medium.

Radio indeed is the best medium that can pass these messages to the appropriate destination because of it various characteristics of portability, cheapness, availability, easily accessibility etc. And this is also because it is the main source of information of the rural dwellers who are the major stakeholders in the fight against Almajiri system. Indeed "the medium is the message"


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