
Showing posts from June, 2017

Barka da sallah

Barka da sallah....

Kakaitaccen Tarihin Mawaki NURA M INUWA

NURA M INUWA  Taccen Tarihin Mawaki Nura M Inuwa Tattaunawa Kai Tsaye Tafeda Jarumi Abas Sadiq Cikin Shirin Gani Da Idonka. ABBAS SADIQ : Da farko dai masu Sauraro zasuso suji takai taccen tarihinka? Nura M Inuwa : Da farko dai sunana Nura Musa Inuwa wanda a yanzu akafi sani da Nura M Inuwa, Ni Haifaffen Garin Kano ne Gommaja Karamar Hukumar Dala. Nayi Makaranta na na primary school a masaka special primary school daganan na wuce Gommaja two inda inda acan nayi secondry school dina daga nan kuma cikin ikon ubangiji banci gaba ba, Daganan sai na fara harkar waka. ABBAS SADIQ : Nura M Inuwa me yaja hankalin kane har ka fara harkar Waka? Nura M Inuwa : Aah! Alhamdulillahi Nidai tun farko bani da wani dalili da yaja hankalina na fara harkar waka, sabo da ya samo asaline tun ina yaro ni kaina haka kawai inayin waka haka kuma idan akan batamun raj nakanyi waka domin in huce bacin ran nan da akamun hakama idan an faranta mun nakanyi waka. Ta yadda tun bansan kala


Kasan cuwar mu, na ‘yan adam adoran kasa, Allah ya halicce mune dan mu bauta masa kuma shine ya sanya sha’awa a tare da mu. Wannan kenan! Ina samari da suke san mallakan ya mace ko kuma samun zuciyan ta batare da wani asiri ko stafi ba ? Kubi yo ni………….hausa wa suna cewa yan mata adon gari in baku ba gari in kun yawa gari yabaci….. Read Also: Hanyoyin da zakabi dan Sake samun Katin shaidan ka na Dan kasa in ka rasa na farkon. 1. KYAN TSARI: Duk wata ya mace tana san taga namiji mai kyan tsari, ma’ana tsari irin na magana ba. Abin da nake nufi da haka shine, namiji yakasance yana da tsarin rayuwa mai kyau baka zamto mai yawan sakin magana ba. 2.KYAU DA KWALLIYA: Wasu matan suna san mutum mai kyau da kwalliya ba irin su lado ba, soda yawa zakaga mata suna soyayya da saurayi sabida stabar kyau da Allah yabashi da kuma iya kwalliya kamar dawisu. bawai da wani abu ba 3.SHIGA DA KALAMAI: Yana da kyau kazam to ka iya wanka da kalami da zai kai ga dauke hankalin ta da

Crime on campus: what does the future holds for our youth? By Saeed Kamalu Bako

Crime on campus: what does the future holds for our youth? By Saeed Kamalu Bako Nowadays youth in Our society lives on the believe that the best way to financial enrichment is not through hard work or personal endeavor in business or through landmark discovery in science and technology. Every one wants to have a slice of the national cake legally or illegally, we see wealth as the key that opens all doors, regardless of how people obtain that key. The irrefutable fact that crime is on the increase in the Nigerian university campuses is not new, the increase in criminal act in our campuses prevalent in our society today is a symptom of a much more serious, deeply rooted problem. This is seen in the way that some students tries by all means to enter into university not to achieve academic excellence rather to enrol in cults and other criminal groups that are designed to terrorize and deprive people of their money and properties. Universities have therefore lost the value for which

Izala Ta Fara Aiwatar Da Shirinta Na tallafawa Marayu Da Gajiyayyu A Wurren Tafsirai

 Ibrahim Baba Suleiman Duk wanda yake bibiyar irin cigaban da wannan kungiyar takeyi tun lokacin da shugabanta na farko ya rasu Alhaji musa maigandu Allah ya masa Rahman, zaiga cewa lallai al'ummar musulmin najeriya sun shaida irin cigaban da wannan kungiyar ta samu musamman ta bangaran tallafawa marayu da gajiyayyu da zawarawa Wanda Sheikh Bala Lau Ya assasa a kasancewar Sa Shugaban Izala. Shugaba sheikh Bala Lau ya bada umarni ga dukkan malaman kungiyar da shugabanni akan kafa kwamitocin tallafawa marayu a dukkan matakan shugabanci na kungiyar tun daga kasa har zuwa kananan hukumomi. bugu da Kari an umarci dukkan malaman kungiyar da aka tura tafsirin Ramadan dasu tabbatar sun kaddamar da neman tallafawa marayu A wuraren Da suke gabatar Da Tafsirai, Wannan shekara ba itace ta farko ba. Yanzu abun farin ciki tuni wasu majalisin tafsirai suka fara farantawa marayun ransu kamar jahar kano wurin tafsirin Dr. Abdullah saleh Pak


MY LIFE (kamal) As the sun rises so the journey of my life began...starting it with happiness, moving from one angle to the other...learning from one lesson to another....moving with my precious gift of nature(my mother).  The one that I can't afford missing. As time went on, the happiness appreciate, gradually I was moving through and romancing what my journey encompasses.the happiness,joy and excitement began to fade, as I realized that I need additional precious thing(a life partner) to make them two. Working along the path of searching, my journey continuous, and this is the journey that I know my destination but doesn't know when it will end. As the sun moves toward the middle it then became very hot....having no shelter ,I felt depressed and desperately in need. Before I realized , all I can hear is the melody that pleases the soul and gave me pleasing relief.  I was discourage with the journey but now I feel fully prepared. As happiness wi


KAMSON's PEN As I picked up my pen ..... Wanted to write my feelings about a lady, it started writing its own way.....and it goes like this.... The sky is wide enough to hold all the birds on earth , so is the sea to hold all the fishes ..... my brain has been networked to process all that comes into it.... My dreams are clear enough to become true , My wishes are fast becoming reality .... life is nothing but planing for your death ....there are two things you must know in life and these are life and death and they are always interrelated you must live before you die and you must die when you live. You can plan for your death while you are alive but you can't plan for your life when you are dead. So be wise , is now that you have the chance to plan for both your life and death.... So be wise, is now that you can pilot the plane of your life by yourself. So be wise, don't be deceive by those flashy cars, those handsome boys, those beautiful

Baba Buhari zai iya dawowa ranar Asabar

Wasu majiyoyi daga fadar gwamnatin Najeriya sun bayyana cewa, ana saran shugaban kasar Muhammad Buhari zai koma gida daga birnin London a ranar Asabar mai zuwa. http:// najeriya-ranar-asabar


THE OFFICIAL NIQABITE Saeed kamalu Bako Talking about the lady covered in black. The one whose veil covered her from head to toe. The only viewing spot left is the eye balls which rolls like a white ball in black basket. If you are favoured to hear her voice, your mind will be captured and you will seem lost. The only way you can identify her is when she walks. Or perhaps when she speaks in that low velvet voice that will make you melt. The one who will be called Ninja and still smile. Walking majestically in her Lord's blessings, she is truly a queen in her own kingdom. Still talking about the lady in black. The one who fears Allah. Preserving her beauty to the love of her life. Talking about the official Niqabite. The dream of any responsible man. Not the one whose Niqab goes in vain. Can you recall the girl who covered her body at home  just to please her parents​? The one who unveil her body and wander the walkway at night or in the dark. The