Saeed Kamalu Bako
Your effort of making us one is nearly been
jeopardized. You gave birth to so many
households, 3 of which are the giants; the North,
the West and the East. Who were then showered
with blessings, and you also taught them how to
know their differences and shun them.
But time has come when the difference has been
notified and the center can no longer hold. There
are now factions, all claiming to be the ones
maintaining the survival of the home.

The North claiming with their population, vast
land for agriculture to feed the nation and some
mineral resources, the East with the black goal
who also claims the country depends on, and of
course the West claiming they have the industries,
cocoa and other resources.
The Middle Belt trying to create a faction from
the north. Could that be because the majority of
the Northern population are Muslims? If there will
be a division, where will they be? The West, East
or stand on their own?
Still in the household, in where you named the
east we now have South-South claiming to be the
ones sustaining the family. The other part( South
East) are the ones fully agitating to secede​. They
want to form their independent home called
How will they survive if that is achieved? Will the
South South who has the black goal allowed
themselves be ruled by the South east or is it
that everybody will stand on their own? Or will
they allow themselves to be ruled by the South
South? Which is quite impossible.
Western part of the house who were then
agitating for "Omo Oduduwa" seems now to be
neutral. They are not standing with either part. Is
it because they lack abundant mineral resources
or agricultural land that will sustain them or
because they lack black goal? No,they have the
industries, cocoa and some mineral resources and
also have one of the major seaports through with
the house imports.
Mother, the issue has been hieghtened, some
selected group of your children called the elites
are now trying to ruine what you build for many
years because of their selfish interest,
Manipulating the thinking of the younger ones,
leading them blindly to a burning fire that only
God knows how many it will consume.
Why the agitation for Biafra? If Biafra is
actualized, can the North stand peacefully with
the West and the Middle Belt? Can the South East
stand with the south south?
Okay, let all of them go on their own, but
remember, the house is made up of more than
300 tribes and there is no any state that is made
up of one tribe. Even if the house is divided into
36, other agitations will still come up.
Oh MOTHER, I am sorry to say that your family
are no more united. Please bring us back
together again, pull us back to life, make us the
way we were before, restructure our minds and
make us NIGERIANS.
Yours lovely
Saeed Kamalu Bako.
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