Saeed Kamalu Bako

 The journey begun with a happier humour and  sensation when he received a text or perhaps visited​ the school's website and acknowledged congratulatory message confirming his admission.

Earlier in the class was competition, and everyone was struggling to reach the higher lid of the class. viewing himself as a champion from where he was, but after a semester or two , the reality was revealed, while he  witness all those at the higher end lowered down and even  the average.

Luckily, he was among the toping ones, No one cares  knowing him back then, but vigorously now folks (females) sorrounds him just like swamp of bees. And here is exactly where his calculations got missed up, where the right path was unconsciously dropped, this was where a new pseudo name decended, when he gained the adhoc popularity, this was the same time he shunned the right ones and went on with the pests.

However, it is an established fact that great majority of females in the universities are from influential families while the males majorly come from poor background whose attentions are normally deviated by one pressure or the other, who must atimes loose focus on their academic missions.

To point it out.. this is where the problem lies, now the question is yours academic bulldozer, Who are you to guide now, knowing that you are blessed with the tallent of quick understanding, comprehension, language and explanatory power? Is it the females sorrounding you with the name if friendship or your long time fellas?

Shamefully and blindly, he goes for the former instead of choosing the later. He chose the ones who sometimes knows it even better than he does, wasting his time explaining as they​ view his endless flows without them contributing and making the process interactive. He still "back" them into the exam halls, raising his scripts  to become their mirror​, while he leave the poor and needy fellas suffer with endless carry overs.

Still not known to him or perhaps he choosed to be oblivious of so, that those he is helping has already secured their jobs even before they gained admission, and For those who care not, marriage will be their destination.
Do They or perhaps their parents have the opportunity to offer you a job after graduation? or pave way for your brighter future? No!

The irony is your contact will hardly be maintained, either erased immediately after graduation or similar excuses been assigned, not even your pictures will be that important to be kept in their safe memory, that is if there is any. You left the fellas whom will always be the first to notify you of any opportunity that come their way , the ones you could have symbiotic relationship, the ones whom could be with you when you need it the most not the other way round.

On campus you distant yourself from the boys, being always in the mist of the ladies feeling yourself for being called ladies man while the men suffer.
But quite unfortunate, after graduation the reality of life reveals itself. No more ladies close by you to give out tutorials, you have the second class upper but it becomes equivalent to a mere paper because  it can't secure a job..

The ones you refused helping are now with third class  but are the ones representing you in your constituency or senatorial zone, others have become employers while you are still battling to be an employee.

The ladies are no more, you only see them in various medium because they harvested the fruit of your labour, they become prominent or perhaps marrying the prominent men. And Now your life has become miserable but the scenario was crafted by you.

I am talking about the academic donkey (AD) the person with no future ambition. please be wise.

Ladies don't be offended!!!


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