
Showing posts from November, 2018


Saeed kamalu Bako Is my brocasarea subsiding? I become subservient when it retrogrades The moment is that of retrospection I wish the world will stop for a second So that I can do what people normally do Let me discover and destroy  Like a megalodon but still I adhere to her wish I touch my Harem I touched her lips last night And the night before last I cried so laud mourning her amenorrheic condition  But her saliva taste like retsina  Is she a servo? So I asked my sense  Because It was like a servitude  when I stood at the rostrum of that heart The heart of Harem  I called mine  Should I say nemesis caught up with my spirit? That moment I become a hubris But the poem I wrote to my love is an epic It seems as if I study prosody so much Because the metre in it blends Should I say those words were onomatopoeic? The poem was a kind of catharsis For there was never a story of woe  Than this of her and I In her life I seems to be like a deus ex machina

We are not terrorists

Saeed kamalu Bako We live to see my mother and his cry in pain Their happiness drown forever I live in this part of the area Where they painted me in black Every drop of blood is theirs And every drop of blood I am responsible I become the victim since my pen can not write for me Since my voice can not go beyond my hearings Since the stereotype favours me not The last name they gave me was terrorist They define me externally Forfeiting all the internal parameters How can they do this to me? They said my brother killed their brother So his name goes to me They forget that their brother also killed mine Why won't his name go to them I now seems to move freely But deep inside me is pain Why will such a nomenclature goes to me? I resisted but it still follow me For any vices I suspect myself by me And their suspicion still remain constant Why won't you help me tell them Why won't you tell them I am not who they say I am Tell them I am not a te


Saeed kamalu Bako My home is in between dead and life In that thing they called franchise lies inhumanity Should I go there or stay alive When stainless threaten the gullible When sky becomes dark and darker When gunshots become normal Was that where they called polling unit? It seems like a battle ground Full of uproar and inhumanity When I stay away the called it apathy But still they forget I chose to play it safe Isn't it the franchise we sold for some few pennies And let our families and nation burned to ashes While godfatherism guided those people astry We are then allowed to pay for what we deed Can we call the outcome authoritarianism? Because all we see is inequality Instability in the penumbra of what we call polity Those called leaders of tomorrow masterminds the violence That violence which killed my brother your brother and your brother It seems to be selfishness in the part of we and them Theirs is party interest or perhaps personal one

The four major benefits of Honey

Saeed kamalu Bako With the presence of honey in large quantity in Nigeria, particular pure honey people show less concern to this divinely ordained blessing not knowing the benefits it offer to humans in term of their health, sexuality and many more. There are lots of benefit offered by honey which people are unaware. Some of the major benefits are: Honey can serve as Memory Booster. As we grow older, we want to keep our memory sharp, so consuming foods that will give the memory a boost is recommended. Antioxidants are fabulous for feeding the cells of your brain the food it needs to thrive. Another benefit is cough suppressant. With the common cold being so prevalent, especially during winter season, it’s a great idea to have honey handy as it helps reduce a cough. Sure, you can take over the counter cough syrups, but are you willing to ingest ingredients that are harsh on your immune system? Another most important benefit of honey is its ability to prevent and figh


There is no doubt that knowledge will forever govern ignorance, this made it the key to success in every human endevour. your academic life serves as the bedrock of your existence as a Nigerian. As a reulsult of this, at a point in time people pursuing lifely exellence may or may not be successful in the course and this may be determine by  their academic life. Read also: Step by step process of Re- issuance of NIMC slips Taking my socio cultural environment ( Nigeria) as a point of reference, for you to succeed you need to uphold certain virtures of which academic is included. However, for you to succeed academically which may lead to your success in life you need to have the following qualities.  1. PASSION: In every field of human endevour you need this quality, which is the zeal to acquire knowledge. passion here is talking about the willingness at any time to strive harder to get the knowledge.  Many people surfer in the quest of knowledge because they lac


Saeed kamalu Bako Nigeria is no doubt a Democratic state where every citizen have the right and freedom as exercised in other advanced democracies. Significant among these freedoms are the freedom of the press and that of expression as enshrined in the constitution. It is indeed a wise saying that a society without the means of acquiring information is but a prologue to a farce or perhaps a tragic one. As a result of the rapid advancement in technology, everybody has become a creator of communication content. This advancement combined with the freedom of expression and that of the press has so far posed a great problem by opening doors for fake news which seems to be a threat to the existence of Nigerian democracy. According to a Polls carried out in 2018 by NOIPolls, 66 percent of the respondents indicated that fake news is very prevalent in Nigeria. This research however was carried out when Nigerian democracy is at the stage of dilemma. This in essence shows that the


Saeed Kamalu Bako  Where is the culture? Where is our tradition?  Where are we heading to? All has been taken away, why can't we Chase after it? Is it too late?.... For all I can see,  our tradition are left​ in the hands of a generation that see it swinging like a pendulum, finding it very hard to situate itself within one cultural setting because the door has been open to welcome so many cultures. The matter of decency has also been tempered, because you must appear nude to be beautiful. It has reach to the extend that even dressing in our cultural attire is newsworthy, that is even if majority of us know it. Where are the long beautiful and worth telling cultures of Shuwa, Babur, Kanuri and others ? Children are no more expose to story telling which will shape their historical background and make them heroes in their cultural preservation. Can we call this civilization, modernization, westernization or bastardization of culture? We leave foreign and imperialists i