There is no doubt that knowledge will forever govern ignorance, this made it the key to success in every human endevour. your academic life serves as the bedrock of your existence as a Nigerian.

As a reulsult of this, at a point in time people pursuing lifely exellence may or may not be successful in the course and this may be determine by  their academic life.

Taking my socio cultural environment ( Nigeria) as a point of reference, for you to succeed you need to uphold certain virtures of which academic is included.

However, for you to succeed academically which may lead to your success in life you need to have the following qualities. 

1. PASSION: In every field of human endevour you need this quality, which is the zeal to acquire knowledge. passion here is talking about the willingness at any time to strive harder to get the knowledge. 
Many people surfer in the quest of knowledge because they lack passion for the course they are studying.

2. HARDWORK: This goes hand in hand with dedication. every good thing is very hard to acquire, so a person pursuing academic excellence should never relent in doing so as it also lead to their succses in life. If you are lazy you will never succeed because academic field just like the larger society is full of challenges hence the need for hardworking and dedication.

3. KNOW YOURSELF: This should be your first step upon getting admission into every institution of learning because this enable you to come up with unique approaches in doing things which may consequently lead  to your success. Example, a person may spend two hours to understand five pages when reading, if you can not understand within that hours, do it your own way even if it takes additional ten hours. By so doing, you will understand it the way he does or even better. Do not ever leave your reading venue just because a friend leaves, think about yourself and do it  your own way.

4. BE A HELPER: Try by all means to be helping your mates when ever the need arise, you may be the one to need help tomorrow as no one is the master of all. By given helping hand here means you can help them understand when you understand more. Helping them with notes or even financially if you are capable. This will create an enabling environment for you to have mutual relationship which  will consequently lead to your success.

5. LISTENING SKILL AND NOTE TAKING: ln an environment where the students are many, try by all means to sit at the front seats, do not allowed anything to deviate your attention because you may loose vital points that can never be repeated again.
Always be a good note taker, do not ever allowed yourself to leave lecture hall without taking any note. After which you can develop it into a full note that will help you subsequently, not only in exams but in other courses as courses in tertiary institution are always interrelated.

6. BE INQUISITIVE: Always be eager to know, ask question where not clear. Because there is a saying that says “the only stupid question is the one left unasked”. Always be ready to learn everything . Sometimes you will not know that the knowledge is in you until the practical application need arises.

The aforementioned, but not limited to are the ways you can follow to succeed in your academic life.


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