The four major benefits of Honey

Saeed kamalu Bako

With the presence of honey in large quantity in Nigeria, particular pure honey people show less concern to this divinely ordained blessing not knowing the benefits it offer to humans in term of their health, sexuality and many more. There are lots of benefit offered by honey which people are unaware. Some of the major benefits are:

Honey can serve as Memory Booster. As we grow older, we want to keep our memory sharp, so consuming foods that will give the memory a boost is recommended. Antioxidants are fabulous for feeding the cells of your brain the food it needs to thrive.

Another benefit is cough suppressant. With the common cold being so prevalent, especially during winter season, it’s a great idea to have honey handy as it helps reduce a cough. Sure, you can take over the counter cough syrups, but are you willing to ingest ingredients that are harsh on your immune system?

Another most important benefit of honey is its ability to prevent and fight cancer. No doubt, honey is another food that can help prevent or fight cancer because it has carcinogen preventing properties and can help fight the growth of existing tumors. Perhaps you have heard how cancer actually feeds on sugar, but honey does not have the same properties as sugar.

It increases sex Drive. Another good news is that honey is a natural aphrodisiac and regular consumption can give your libido the boost it deserve! Research say that honey helps men produce more testosterone as for women, it help with estrogen levels. It is been long known that honey can help give people more arousal in the bedroom, yet many are not taking advantage of such an easy remedy for low libido.

With these and many more, honey can be term as a hidden treasure that only few know its existence. But the benefits it offers to humanity are countless.


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