Saeed Kamalu Bako

 Where is the culture? Where is our tradition?  Where are we heading to? All has been taken away, why can't we Chase after it? Is it too late?.... For all I can see,  our tradition are left​ in the hands of a generation that see it swinging like a pendulum, finding it very hard to situate itself within one cultural setting because the door has been open to welcome so many cultures. The matter of decency has also been tempered, because you must appear nude to be beautiful. It has reach to the extend that even dressing in our cultural attire is newsworthy, that is even if majority of us know it. Where are the long beautiful and worth telling cultures of Shuwa, Babur, Kanuri and others ? Children are no more expose to story telling which will shape their historical background and make them heroes in their cultural preservation. Can we call this civilization, modernization, westernization or bastardization of culture?

We leave foreign and imperialists ideology to over powered and dominate our socio cultural milieu. This is what is happening now, who can forecast what will happen even in the nearest future. Will our predecessors forgive us? our culture should be our integrity not the other way round.
It is right to say that we are now in the era of electronic colonialism where our definition of
reality lies on our screens, we can no more think for our selves. Our role models are either actors/actresses or Musicians. We embrace their life pattern while ours go as try..... What a society, moving forward and contributing to it’s downfall by itself as it firmly embraces the Pseudo culture...


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