My valentine twilight

 Was that the era of psyche reorientation?
The past was my era of uncertain promiscuity Asking question on who was she
 And when will she come to the fore?
Was there something fishy when I shunned that fantasy?

I saw myself in a Bermuda triangle,
Protected by tri giant walls
Behind those giant walls lies the ice princess
I felt like dancing into the atmosphere
Where I can get courage from the Angels
 The ones i perceived they can be of help.
Was it the theory of magic or luck? 
So I asked myself.

When I approached her
I asked of my timidity
Which seemed bio ethical.
I feel like dancing into the atmosphere
But still I made the man in me
And recalled that everything is fair in love and war.

The wind echoed her voice With it right hand
 My ears was no longer in a vacuum state
As it breaks the shield between me and my dream
She was the star in my dream
But I couldn't figure out the presence of a tale as in those dreams
 So I named it my era of romance.

Surrounding us was a four corner boundary
While I was deep in communicative comfortability
She was lexico-vocally decent
Voice echoed perfect
Diction beyond correction
She was a master of the language
Speaks with eloquence as she whispered into my ears.

In the mist of winning a girl who deserve all the wins in the world
 I felt like  committing the sin of the flesh 
But I prayed so the sun smiles as it pave way for the moon
 Whom also kept us company.
 In our era of romance, darkness was eliminated
 I wanted the time to stand still but it kept on running very fast
The last hour was our departure
I ended up taking pained apple instead of pineapple.

Why did I nonchalantly let her go?
 I didn't let her eloped with me
 Was that also a form of naivety?
I feel like rewinning time
 Because I sold my LOVE to the spirit unknown
Why  didn't I took her number or perhaps her address?
I understand it's important now
That distance has tell me the real meaning of closeness.



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